Photo Taken on July 20th, 2021. (At Jody’s place.)

About Me

I was born in Brooklyn and I lived there until I moved to Boston in 1985 because I’d become a professor of philosophy at Tufts University

I started writing fiction at about age 12, poetry perhaps a year or two later, and I’ve (pretty much) never stopped since. My philosophical interests started as early but—being an American—I didn’t recognize them as distinctly philosophical interests until I was in college. (Most Americans don’t learn what philosophy is until college.) I’ve also got a post-graduate degree in mathematics—I’m (kind of) interested in everything: I should just admit it. I’ve written several novels—none of them published. But I’ve also written a lot of short fiction, poems, and philosophy: both book-length studies and articles. (And most of that has been published.) I like to think of myself as a writer and talker (or communicator, if you want to put it in a more highbrow way).